2024 Next Generation Conference

May 3 - 5, 2024

Next Generation Conference 2024

May 3-5, 2024

Session 1
Session 2
Session 3
Session 4


Urgent Burden for the Church in Lubbock

There is an opportunity to participate in the Lord’s move to Lubbock. The Lord has made a 10,400 sq ft property situated in the northwest corner of Lubbock available. The saints currently have the property under contract for $2,150,000, and have until March 21st to raise the necessary funds for the purchase of the property.

The leading brothers in the churches in the Metroplex have a strong feeling that all the saints in this area would participate as the Lord leads.

Please use the link below for video and photos of the property and information regarding how to participate in offering. You can also give through your locality by designating your offering to: building in Lubbock.

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